Solar Oven Partners (SOP) offers alternatives to the give-and-get craziness of Christmas commercialization.

by | Nov 29, 2021 | What's New

According to Heifer International’s 2023 Gift Catalog, nearly six in ten Americans say they would rather have a donation made on their behalf to their favorite charity than receive a gift for themselves this year.

Give the gift or ask for the gift that delivers sustainable physical, economic and environmental well-being in a practical package. Solar Oven Partners is an UMCOR Advance project and a mission project of Dakotas Conference. There are two ways to donate:

  • Make check to Solar Oven Partners. Memo line: Dakotas UMC Advance #637. Mail to Solar Oven Partners, 1331 W. University Ave., PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301
  • Give online on our UMCOR/Advance link