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Life in Sierra Leone
Every piece of charcoal is a piece of a tree that has be processed in a smoldering fire. In addition to the smoke released into the air, both in making and using the charcoal, the loss of forest to make charcoal puts people’s health and well-being at risk.
These are coal pots typically used to cook meals in Sierra Leone.
Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, viewed from a ridge.
Boats at shore in Freetown.
At the shoreline in Freetown, pulling in a fishing net.
Vendors carrying their products on their heads are frequently seen on the busy streets of cities in Sierra Leone.
An easy day trip from the capital city of Freetown, the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary rehabilitates rescued chimpanzees to prepare them to be released back into the wild.
The capital of Sierra Leone is called Freetown because some who were rescued from slavery were sent here to rebuild their lives. Upon arrival, they were given a medical checkup and treatment they needed at this hospital a few steps from the dock where they would have disembarked from the ship.
Our team worshipped with the congregation at Charles Davis United Methodist Church in Freetown.
Academic research has found a correlation between a history of Protestant missions such as this school and democracy, equality and prosperity decades later. It was an inspiration to see so many kids getting an education through this United Methodist school.
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